Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dread Me

On my last day in Africa, I did something that I had been wanting to do for a long time...I got dreads! Now, they're still a work in progress (it can take several months for dreads to actually lock in), but I'm digging them so far. The best part was after I put them in, when for the rest of the day anytime a black guy saw my dreads, he would give me a thumbs up or yell, "Hey, my Rasta brotha!" Even the lady at the check-in counter at the airport told me she loved them! Apparently getting dreads = immediate solidarity with black Africans!

The "before" shot.

The "during" pic.

All done!

From the back.

So what do you think? Do I pull it off, or is a buzzed head in order? Leave me a comment!


Marcia Cramer said...

What is wrong with inbetween?

Emily Edison said...

I'm more of a fan of the clean shaven look myself, which is probably a given considering the fact that my husband is your polar opposite in the hair department! :) Love you either way...

Jeff and Amy McKissick said...

two words - CAST AWAY and TOM HANKS....ok...4 fours words...but 2 concepts. Happy New Year!

D said...

keep the dreads. trim the beard.