Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Hate Snakes!!!

I would consider myself somewhat of an animal lover, but one thing I am certainly not is a snake lover. In fact, I really can't stand those slithery creatures. As much as possible, I try to avoid them, but in my current situation that's a little more difficult than I'd like.

During my first week here in Africa, I went out for a run with a few of the other guys. We got to talking as we ran, and I became distracted and lost focus of the path ahead of me. I almost didn't see it. A bush snake had crossed into the path just ahead of us. One of the guys behind me yelled just in time, and I took an I-used-to-be-a-collegiate-track-athlete jump over that creepy snake just as it was lashing out to take a bite out of my calf. I kid you not, that thing lunged for me, and I missed it by inches. That same week, we ran across another similar snake on a hike (pictured below). Needless to say, I now keep my eyes peeled when I'm out running around, especially when I head into the tall grass. 

In the words of Indiana Jones, "I hate snakes!"

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