Monday, April 28, 2008

Encouraging Words

A few years back, I started a file called "Encouragement."  I believe it was Dave Engbrecht, my pastor growing up at NMC, who tipped me off to this idea.  He said that because ministry and life can be so discouraging at times, it's important to keep a file of encouraging words from others. That way, when the discouragement comes, you can always have somewhere to look to remind you to be encouraged and to think positively.  

Well, this week I was able to file yet another encouraging word.  I recently received a card from a pastor friend of mine that read:

I really appreciate you. If I didn't already know Jesus, your life would encourage me to find Him. I am praying for you, your dad and your whole family during these difficult days...

That meant a lot. Things have been tough at home recently, and it was encouraging to know that he cared. Even more encouraging was his confirmation of my life and ministry. I'd love for my gravestone to read something like that someday...

"...his life encouraged others to find Jesus."

Never forget the power of an encouraging word. And if you don't do it already, start storing up the encouraging words you've received for those rainy days...

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