Friday, January 15, 2010

Little Princesses

I offer the following as proof that my little nieces, Lauren and Brooke, truly are princesses!!!

It's crazy how much these little kiddos grew over the time I was gone, but it's awesome to be back and a part of their lives again! And, I'd say they've taken to their fur-faced uncle pretty well...once they figured out who I was!!! Of course, in order to remind them of how cool of an uncle I am, I bought them these super-cool African dolls! Man, I'm an awesome uncle, if I do say so myself! :-)

While totally stoked about the doll (I'm sure), Brookie unfortunately had an ear-ache that day...

1 comment:

Emily Edison said...

Well, my totally unbiased opinion is that those are some amazingly special girls! :) I know that they (and all of us as well) are so glad you are back to be a huggable presence in their lives for now.