Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pink Chicks?

At the training center where we stayed in Tanzania, they help support their ministry by running a chicken farm. Now, there's nothing unusual about that, except for the fact that all the little baby chicks are PINK! I know, crazy, right?! I have multiple theories...

Theory #1 - They mate the hens with male flamingos, thus making these hybrid little "chickingos" or "flamickens."

Theory # 2 - They feed the little chicks with a steady diet of Pepto Bismol tablets. In related news, the chicks are found to be very "regular," if you know what I mean.

So what's your theory???


Anonymous said...


I have never heard of anything like this! This is amazing! If you find out how this is done let me know.


brea persing said...

I actually watched on TV once where this stuff was going on and they mentioned that some people dye the chicks a certain color or multiple colors to make them more appealing to other people.

I found it to be very interesting. Pink is a good color though :)