Monday, October 5, 2009

The Rise of Islam

One of the things that surprised me about Tanzania, and particularly the island of Zanzibar, was the overwhelming presence of Islam there. In fact, the majority of the people in coastal Tanzania are Muslim, including more than 99% of the 1.2 million people in Zanzibar. That was very surprising to me. I knew that Islam was strong in Northern Africa, but I did not expect to find it to be so strong in East Africa.

From what I have been told, Christianity actually came to Zanzibar first, several centuries ago, but "conversion" at that time meant mostly just a name change. The Africans there were deemed "Christian" if, for example, they changed their name from Jabali, a traditional African name, to John, a "Christian" name. With very little change happening in their belief system, Zanzibar was easily transformed into an Islamic state when it was later taken over by Arabs. Although Zanzibar is now part of the United Republic of Tanzania, a free state, it continues to be dominated by Islam. And while it is not illegal to be a Christian there, the believers in Zanzibar still face a great deal of persecution.

I think this picture symbolizes the unfortunate shift in belief systems in Zanzibar. On the right is an old, archaic church, now literally serving as a museum. On the left is a mosque, alive and active and at the center of society.

Even with the intense tropical heat, the Muslim women follow strict dress codes.
A man wearing a typical Muslim outfit.

We spent the weekend with the pastor of this church. It was the only active Christian church that I saw while in Zanzibar.

Please pray that the Spirit of God would break through in this spiritually dark place! Also, pray for the believers there as many of them face persecution daily!


Anonymous said...

Adam - I had not read your blog in several weeks and thoroughly enjoyed reading all of it. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Looking forward to seeing you around Christmas!

Love you man!


Adam Cramer said...

Hey Homes! Great hearing from you! Miss ya man!
