Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Teaching in Tanzania

While in Tanzania, Bhuti and I taught several courses in disciplemaking youth ministry to 13 students from all over Tanzania. These youth workers have been studying through J-Life for about 9 months now, with 9 more months of training to go. Every two months, they come together at the Mission to Unreached Areas Church (MUAC) training center in Mlandizi, where they go through two weeks of intensive training in class. Then, they head back to their communities to begin implementing the things they are learning in class. I taught four courses over the two weeks on the following topics: Relational Ministry, The Church as a Medium for Discipling Youth, Spiritual Leadership, and Recruiting Leaders. I'm certainly no professor (although I do have a sweet beard!), but I enjoyed the chance to pass on some of the things that I've learned to others.

Enjoy the pics...

Bhuti and me with our students. In case you can't spot me, I'm the big hairy white guy in the back.

Lecture time!

George, Zaca, and Grace working hard on an assignment.

Loveluck, Zepha, and Frida hittin' the books.

Nema, Biggie, Henry, and Apasaria working hard!

And a few more pictures of me teaching. All of the teaching was translated into Swahili by Zepha.

We had a lot of fun together!

It was such a great opportunity for me to be able to invest in the lives of these guys and gals for a couple weeks. We learned a lot together. Like I said, I really enjoyed the teaching, and in some capacity I feel like teaching might play a role in my future ministry. Only time will tell!

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